Risk Management and Cyber Concepts for Business

Risk Management and Cyber Concepts for Business

Prominent business owners and government organizations continue to be breached at an alarming rate. Do you know if your company is secure? Some will assure me, when I ask them this question, that their business is secure and will not be hacked. However, what policies and procedures do you and your employees follow that make them so successful in preventing breaches? Most answer that they do not know, or they pay someone to handle that for them. Cybersecurity is, and will continue to be, a major risk management issue. Delegating Cybersecurity and other risks in your business is not an acceptable practice. The person ultimately held responsible for a breach in IT is not the IT employee, but the person in charge, the CEO. However, the CEO is not singularly responsible for Cybersecurity and risk management. Everyone in your organization should have the same approach to Cybersecurity and risk management.

Here are some basic aspects to consider:

  • Who has access to your corporate information and what levels?
  • Who has access to your network(s)?
  • What is your plan of action if your company is breached tomorrow?

We are often asked if Risk Management and Cybersecurity are cost prohibitive for small to medium sized businesses. At DC Industries, we offer a cost effective Management of Risk business course that is designed to give organizations a structured approach to manage risk and handle crisis. Risk Management is the responsibility of everyone, and at DC Industries we provide training that is relevant to all employees, business practices, and budgets. Our course provides insight on how to accept, correct, avoid or transfer risk and give you the Risk Management tools and processes that can be directly applied to your business operations.

Blogger: Taryn Kuczynski
Cyber Security Intern DC Industries