Developing and Deploying Applications on OpenShift (DO-290)

Course Title: Developing and Deploying Applications on OpenShift (DO-290)

Session(s): 3 Sessions

Class Time: 8:30AM-4:30PM

Course Overview:

Through hands-on labs, the student will implement user stories for an existing Java™ EE application and deploy the application to an OpenShift instance. The student will learn how to create, update, and maintain applications using Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.


Red Hat recommends these prerequisites:

  • Java EE programming skills are helpful—we try to keep the programming tasks simple, like changing the color of an item on an HTML page—so general HTML skills common to many programming environments will suffice
  • Experience as a successful developer in one of the environments supported by Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform—either Python, Ruby, Java EE, Node.js
  • Have taken Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift (DO180) or have equivalent experience