Course Title: Red Team Practitioner© - Phase 2: Gaining Access
Session(s): 10 Sessions
Class Time: 8:00AM-4:00PM
Course Overview:
Gaining access to resources is the whole point of a modern-day attack. The usual goal is to either extract information of value to the attacker or use the network as a launch site for attacks against other targets. In either situation, the attacker must gain some level of access to one or more network devices.
At the conclusion of this course the student will be able to:
- Detail the various ways that an attacker can gain access to a network
- Identify critical entry points into the network
- List methods to improve the security posture of the network
- Explain what attackers specifically target in an effort to gain access
- Identify security controls that improve the security and reduce the likelihood of an attacker succeeding in gaining access
- Identify security controls and associated control vulnerabilities that are exploited by the attacker
- Identify the tools that an attacker used to gain access
Please Note: This course is Phase 2 of 4 in the Red Team Practitioner© program in developing a Cyber Jedburgh Workforce.